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100 Homes Sold Her First Year: Revealing Her Secrets

Special Guest Sheila Wilkinson shares the secrets that launched her career!

Sheila Wilkinson is a Real Estate Agent who works at Matt Smith Real Estate Group who achieved an amazing milestone in her first year in the business...

She sold over 100 homes!

In this episode of All or Nothing in Real Estate, we sit down with Sheila and ask the questions you're burning know, and she reveals it all!

Before Real Estate

Believe it or not, before Sheila entered the world of Real Estate she was best known for making the best fajitas in town! She owned a local Mexican restaurant and this experience opened up the doors to meeting and serving her community.

After working in the restaurant industry for years, she decided she wanted to make a bigger impact and change more lives.

Before joining Matt Smith Real Estate Group, Sheila joined a different agency in an effort to dip her toes in the water. She wasn't learning much and felt like her career was at a dead-end before it even began.

Matt Smith Real Estate Group was hiring, and initially she wrote it off, but Matt saw the potential in Sheila and knew he could make a big impact on her life. He was persistent and she finally gave in to an interview!

Kicking off her Career

When Sheila made the switch to Matt Smith Real Estate Group, She remembers thinking, "If I don't jump in with both feet, I will fail." So she went ALL IN. She committed to the processes, and followed them step by step.

Very quickly she gained big momentum and all of a sudden found herself dealing with 30 pending contracts at once. We asked her how she managed this and both her and Matt agree the secret is in "Controlling the Controllables"

This means that you control what you can and everything outside of that realm you handle professionally with grace. Sheila shares, "Our job as agents is to control the emotions." Real Estate is a HIGH EMOTION business. Your clients are dealing with potentially the biggest transaction of their life. Sheila committed everyday to guiding her clients to have smooth and successful transactions!

The Secret in Standing Out

Sheila reflects on what helped her to stand out. And the secret is... it's not a secret. Great Customer Service Matters!

"If you want to stand out in business just take care of people."

Sellers and buyers are intimidated by the process, and you owe it to them to help solve their problems. That is our job as Real Estate Agents after all!

The key to sales is solving problems! It's important to be proactive, not reactive. In any situation your goal is to help equip your client to better understanding the process. It's your job to find their pain point so you can assist and serve!

Proximity is Power

Nobody can make anybody successful - it is a choice. Your success relies on your own actions, but it's important to surround yourself with people who encourage, support and inspire you.

Sheila credits the culture of Matt Smith Real Estate Group.

"Our culture is life changing."

Culture is a living and breathing thing. It's something you must protect and advocate for. You are the sum of the 5 people around you so who are you surrounding yourself with?

The Tools that Support Sheila

Sheila credits time management as a huge catalyst to her success. She manages her time using power lists. The mindset of a power list is to win the day. Each day you identify actionable, measurable tasks and at the end of the day you mark it with a 'W' or 'L'.

Her mindset isn't set on making money, but serving more families. Everyday she strives to be 1% better than the day before.

Matt Smith Real Estate Group is defined by their team efforts. Sheila creates leverage in her demanding schedule by leaning on her team, crediting delegating as a huge help to her success!

Credit Where Credit is Due

Sheila accomplished so many big things in 2021. From closing over 100 homes totaling over 19 MILLION in volume to achieving some big awards!!

Sheila earned and achieved Listing Specialist of the Year and Rookie of the Year in 2021!

She also achieved the Amanda Gann Award, an award in honor of a former colleague of Matt Smith Real Estate Group who tragically passed away. This award is for the most improved agent on our team and Sheila was an obvious choice, as she accomplished getting 1% better everyday!

This is only beginning

If Sheila was able to accomplish all of that in her first year of Real Estate, imagine what's ahead for her! Sheila has some big goals for 2022 and we are confident she will hit every single one.

Want to hear Sheilas full story? Click the link here 👉🏼

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